Thinking of Paris

The accounts coming from Paris are horrific. Terrorists brought war to the streets of Paris.

The city of light. The city of love. The city’s streets filled with blood, and the world is mourning.

This ever-resilient city will rise again. It may seem dark now, but the terrorists will not win.

Paris is home to some of the world’s greatest museums and attractions. The Musée du Louvre, Musée d’Orsay and Cathédrale Notre-Dame, to name a few. These are world-class places unmatched anywhere else in the world.

Paris is a siren. She calls travelers, students and adventurers alike. Millions pass through the city every year, looking to explore its culture, its food and its way of life.

Yes, Paris, and France as a whole, is home to many stereotypes the world. Some true, others not. But, no matter, Paris didn’t deserve this.