All That We Left Behind

I picked up a guitar in high school. As soon as I learned enough chords (two-and-a-half), I began writing songs. I made a harmonica holder from a wire coat hanger, attached a harmonica using duct tape and played a homecoming variety show.

In those days, I only owned one harmonica. I don’t even think it was in any key because it sounded out of tune with everything I played. But I played it on every song.

If nothing else, my harmonica playing and my guitar skills were consistent. Consistently bad.

But I kept playing. I learned that third chord, and soon I picked up the fourth one. I even learned you could be lazy and use two fingers instead of three, and it would change the chord. Throw in a minor seventh, and there is no stopping.

I even bought harmonicas in different keys. Today I own … several … harps.

Eventually, I seized the opportunity to play friends’ shows on my college’s radio station. I recorded demos in the dorm room and issued music via an online music platform. But I never really recorded a formal album.

However, over the past year, I decided to do just that. I thought about recording some of my older songs, but I decided to write new ones, songs influenced by the past four-and-a-half years.

It’s a shame I waited until albums were all but history to do so.

(I actually never stopped buying compact discs. I think I have purchased only about three albums digitally. I listen to it online and digitally, but there is something about opening an album and putting the disc in the player.)

Is it perfect? No. I was aiming for a certain kind of sound. Plus, considering I recorded it in the home office, not a traditional studio, I think it sounds pretty good. I can’t say the spirit of Buddy Holly was with me as I recorded it, but I think some other spirits were.

After all, listen to track six.