I thought about an exchange with a newspaper editor a few months ago. It’s bothered me, so I wanted to share a few thoughts.
Not every opportunity is right; if every opportunity is right, no opportunity is right. Sometimes we must pass on good opportunities because great ones are waiting to be discovered.
Marketers often ask whether it’s kosher to repost a contributed byline on a personal or company site. The short answer is it depends on the agreement with the publication.
To celebrate 20 years, Railfanning.org has launched a special section that includes recreated versions of former designs. The section also includes a timeline highlighting some of the pivotal moments in the site’s history.
Some years ago, I covered a murder trial where the suspect defended himself. As a one-off, it might not be overly noteworthy. Then, it happened again; another murder suspect defended himself.
If a conversation is an exchange of ideas, do two people in the same room talking in each other’s direction constitute a conversation?
“Fake news” is hardly a newphenomenon. Just ask John Dugan.