The passing of Queen Elizabeth II is a historic moment.
Articles by Todd DeFeo
Marketers often ask whether it’s kosher to repost a contributed byline on a personal or company site. The short answer is it depends on the agreement with the publication.
Some years ago, I covered a murder trial where the suspect defended himself. As a one-off, it might not be overly noteworthy. Then, it happened again; another murder suspect defended himself.
When we look at railroad history, we tend to look at railroads like the Western & Atlantic. But there is a great interurban history in this country.
What’s fascinating about researching railroads is often, there is a distinct lack of facts. It sounds funny. What happened, happened, and it should be undeniable. But history has a funny way of obscuring the past.
Smyrna was once a railroad town. We tend not to think about the railroad unless we are sitting at a grade crossing and a train is passing.
The Georgia Archives June Lunch and Learn virtual Teams presentation, “Cobb County’s Commuter Railroad: The Atlanta Northern Railway” by author Todd DeFeo, is on Friday, June 10, 2022, from noon to 1:00 p.m.
I find it interesting that today when people talk about commuter rail or mass transit in metro Atlanta and specifically Cobb County, they often say, “Maybe one day, Cobb County will have a mass transit option.”
This, you could actually argue, is the most important, one of the more important stops on the Western & Atlantic.
I’m a hobbyist who let his hobby spiral out of control.